“They listed everyone but me!” - Third Culture Kids and the High-Demand Religion or Cult Connection

“They listed everyone but me!” - Third Culture Kids and the High-Demand Religion or Cult Connection

Did you grow up in a high-demand religion or a cult? Have you ever felt like an outsider to life and couldn’t put into words exactly why? If so, you are not alone and perhaps, what I explain in this article will resonate with you.

One day as I was having a conversation about my childhood (and subsequent religious trauma recovery journey) with a dear friend of mine, Dr. Paulette Bethel, she suddenly said, “Rebekah, you’re a TCK!” This expression was new to me so I asked her to explain.

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Deconstructing DNA

Deconstructing DNA

Many of the core revelations discovered because of DNA testing can be applied to the reasons why people are choosing to walk away from traditional Christian structures and faith altogether—abuse, hypocrisy, lies, and trauma.

Could it be that science and faith have collided in the quest for truth?

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